Free Online M4A to WAV Converter

Convert M4A to WAV for free, no login required. Drag and drop files up to 100MB, enjoy fast and secure conversions, and download high-quality WAV files instantly.

Drop your audio file here, or Browse

Max Size : 100MB

Note: All uploaded and converted data automatically deleted after 1 hour.

M4A to WAV Converter

Welcome to our free online M4A to WAV converter, where you can transform your audio files quickly and effortlessly. Whether you’re a podcaster, musician, or simply someone looking for a high-quality audio format, our tool has you covered. No software installation or registration is required. Just drag and drop your M4A files—up to 100MB—and watch as they convert to WAV format in seconds.

Fast Conversion

Our converter is optimized for speed. Simply upload your M4A file, and we’ll process it almost instantly, delivering a high-quality WAV output in record time.

High-Quality Output

We use reliable conversion algorithms to ensure your newly converted WAV files maintain the clarity and depth you need for editing, mixing, or archiving.

No Account Required

Avoid the hassle of creating an account. You can start converting your files right away without providing any personal information or logging in.

Up to 100MB File Support

Need to convert large audio files? We’ve got you covered with support for M4A files up to 100MB in size, all at no cost.

Secure and Private

Your files are transferred via secure connections. We never keep your audio longer than necessary, ensuring your data remains private and protected.

How to Use

1. Select or Drag & Drop:

Click the upload area or drag and drop your M4A file into the converter. We support up to 100MB per file.

2. Wait for Processing:

Once you drop your file in, our system immediately begins converting M4A to WAV. The upload and conversion typically only take a few seconds.

3. Download Your WAV File:

After the conversion is complete, a download button will appear. Click it to save your newly converted WAV file to your device.

Frequently Asked Questions